Friday, October 1, 2010

Debating the Project

When I first found out that we'd be doing an individual game project, I was thrilled.  It's just the excuse I've been looking for to get a small, simple game done.  My first overwhelming urge was to make the isometric platformer that I've been wanting to do ever since I added two new detail layers to my isometric tile map system.  However, the realist in me eventually spoke up with some reasonable objections:

  1. With my heavy load and long hours at work right now, I don't have the time to make the assets required for such a project.  
  2. With Space Invaders being written in parallel to this project, I don't want to take on something with that much uncertainty.

A few days ago, I decided that I had to think of something more feasible for the time allowed.  Then, just today, out of the blue, I was hit with a brilliant idea:  I need to remake the old CTG game that my friends and I made twelve years go.  Why?  Because:

  • The first version (from 1998, in C++) was abandoned because of issues we had with the rigidity, deployment, and licensing of the wrapper on the graphics API.  It was playable, but never finished, lacking essentially EVERY feature aside from a two-player deathmatch that let the players shoot and destroy each other.
  • I tried to remake the game about eight years ago in Java, but that was before I had started serious work on my game engine.  There were a lot of graphics and threading issues that were later solved with the engine itself, but I had once again abandoned the project because I didn't feel like refactoring all the work that I had just done.
  • Most importantly, the art assets and sound effects are already made, saving a huge amount of time in developing this game.

So this is what I'm going to propose:  A complete redesign and rewrite of my first "major" game...which wasn't that major, but it seemed like it at the time.  If this proposal is rejected for any reason, I have a few more ideas in mind, but I'm going to assume that this'll be soon as I get Space Invaders out of the way, of course.

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